Faster than the Ground Below Me is a song and music video. It was awarded Grand Prize in 2022 Supernova Digital Animation Festival in the Abstract Sonic category.
Category: Video
Flyback Transformer
flyback transformer is an audiovisual piece created in 2020. The video follows a path through places I’ve lived reconstructed from memory. The audio for the piece consists of a recording I made of multiple CRT televisions, the mechanical sounds of VCRs, and incidental noises from a video game consoles.
The 3D environments were created in MySweetHome3D, with additional video processing in Max/MSP, and all audio was sampled.Unnatural Blue
Music video made for the band The Kitchen – Unnatural Blue (Music Video) (2017)
Made using Max/MSP and JitterUnnatural Blue is a music video created for the band, The Kitchen. The video was created from found footage, processed live using Jitter and MaxMSP.