• sample of the goosegrid user interface


    goosegrid is a MIDI sequencer that allows you to build looping parts quickly using a grid system.

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  • dazzlegen

    dazzlegen is a pattern generator. It can be used to generate unique, semi-random, glyph like patterns that can be used alone or as a source for other creative processes.

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  • Rainbow In The Dark

    Rainbow in the Dark is an interactive networked web application invites the user to align a number of shapes with those of other visitors. It was created as a component of my MFA thesis exhibition, Perennial, where gallery visitors were encouraged to ‘sync’ these overlapping shapes using their mobile devices,…

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  • Community Garden

    Community Garden is a web and AR piece that involves multiple users growing trees in a shared online space. It was created as a component of my MFA thesis exhibition, Perennial, which gave visitors an opportunity to plant a unique plant form in the gallery space.

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  • Faster Than The Ground Below Me

    Faster than the Ground Below Me is a song and music video. It was awarded Grand Prize in 2022 Supernova Digital Animation Festival in the Abstract Sonic category.

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  • Perennial

    MFA Thesis Exhibition @ Leon Gallery, Denver CO April 21st – 24th, 2022

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  • palimpsest

    palimpsest is a text manipulation toolkit and live editor that can be used to perform operations on a number of texts. It has an API that makes it possible to weave and combine texts in multiple buffers, and has some (still in development) tools for analyzing meter.

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  • camocam

    camocam is a small interactive webcam experience that tracks your face and ‘anonymizes’ it using a mosaic of video fragments

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  • athousandeyes

    athousandeyes is an interactive web application that evokes the kind of late night hypnogogia that comes from too much time on the computer before bed.

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  • camogen

    Camogen is a visual art tool that allows you to write visual effects, arrange and chain them together using a graph system, and tweak parameters on the fly using an automatically generated interface.

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  • Flyback Transformer

    flyback transformer is an audiovisual piece created in 2020. The video follows a path through places I’ve lived reconstructed from memory. The audio for the piece consists of a recording I made of multiple CRT televisions, the mechanical sounds of VCRs, and incidental noises from a video game consoles.

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  • A Week of Earworms

    A Week of Earworms is an interactive web application that looks to visualize the melodies I had stuck in my head from October 18th, 2020 to October 24th 2020.

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  • Inkjet Camouflage

    Inkjet Camouflage (2019) came out of a speculative short story where handmade dazzle camouflage cloaks are used to evade computer-vision surveillance. I wanted to create a mockup of this using whatever material I had on hand, sourcing the fabric from household scraps and printing on it using an inkjet printer…

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  • theta

    Θ is a multiple carrier fm synth that allows you to arrange overtones around a geometric UI.

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  • Unnatural Blue

    Unnatural Blue is a music video created for the band, The Kitchen. The video was created from found footage, processed live using Jitter and MaxMSP.

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