Category: Art

  • Rainbow In The Dark

    Rainbow In The Dark

    Rainbow in the Dark is an interactive networked web application invites the user to align a number of shapes with those of other visitors. It was created as a component of my MFA thesis exhibition, Perennial, where gallery visitors were encouraged to ‘sync’ these overlapping shapes using their mobile devices, eliciting colorful, cascading visuals as the shapes align.

    The project is still available at the link below, although it does require multiple visitors to function.

    Image by Amanda Tipton Photography

  • Community Garden

    Community Garden

    Community Garden is a web and AR piece that involves multiple users growing trees in a shared online 3D space. It was created as a component of my MFA thesis exhibition, Perennial, which gave visitors an opportunity to plant a unique plant form in the gallery space.

    The project is still available at the link below, although the location based aspects might not work as well outside of the gallery it was made for.

  • Faster Than The Ground Below Me

    Faster Than The Ground Below Me

    Faster than the Ground Below Me is a song and music video. It was awarded Grand Prize in 2022 Supernova Digital Animation Festival in the Abstract Sonic category.

  • Perennial


    MFA Thesis Exhibition @ Leon Gallery, Denver CO

    April 21st – 24th, 2022

    Images courtesy of Amanda Tipton Photography

  • camocam


    camocam is a small interactive webcam experience that tracks your face and creates an ‘anonymized’ mosaic from the pixels.

    Make sure you have a webcam connected, and accept the request from the browser.

  • athousandeyes


    athousandeyes is an interactive web application that evokes the kind of late night hypnogogia that comes from too much time on the computer before bed.

    athousandeyes was featured in the first issue of

  • Flyback Transformer

    Flyback Transformer

    flyback transformer is an audiovisual piece created in 2020. The video follows a path through places I’ve lived reconstructed from memory. The audio for the piece consists of a recording I made of multiple CRT televisions, the mechanical sounds of VCRs, and incidental noises from a video game consoles.

    The 3D environments were created in MySweetHome3D, with additional video processing in Max/MSP, and all audio was sampled.

  • A Week of Earworms

    A Week of Earworms

    A Week of Earworms is an interactive web application that looks to visualize the melodies I had stuck in my head from October 18th, 2020 to October 24th 2020. A list of all music I listened to is juxtaposed with the melodies that became earworms. The music can be scrubbed through, each contains an attempt to transcribe the earworm from memory.

  • Inkjet Camouflage

    Inkjet Camouflage

    Inkjet Camouflage (2019) came out of a speculative short story where handmade dazzle camouflage cloaks are used to evade computer-vision surveillance. I wanted to create a mockup of this using whatever material I had on hand, sourcing the fabric from household scraps and printing on it using an inkjet printer and freezer paper. It’s accompanied by a pattern generator, something that I continued with as it became camogen.

  • Unnatural Blue

    Unnatural Blue

    Music video made for the band The Kitchen – Unnatural Blue (Music Video) (2017)
    Made using Max/MSP and Jitter

    Unnatural Blue is a music video created for the band, The Kitchen. The video was created from found footage, processed live using Jitter and MaxMSP.