Category: 2020

  • Flyback Transformer

    Flyback Transformer

    flyback transformer is an audiovisual piece created in 2020. The video follows a path through places I’ve lived reconstructed from memory. The audio for the piece consists of a recording I made of multiple CRT televisions, the mechanical sounds of VCRs, and incidental noises from a video game consoles.

    The 3D environments were created in MySweetHome3D, with additional video processing in Max/MSP, and all audio was sampled.

  • A Week of Earworms

    A Week of Earworms

    A Week of Earworms is an interactive web application that looks to visualize the melodies I had stuck in my head from October 18th, 2020 to October 24th 2020. A list of all music I listened to is juxtaposed with the melodies that became earworms. The music can be scrubbed through, each contains an attempt to transcribe the earworm from memory.